English 1301 students:
For our first blog, Friday, September 7th, please submit a comment during our class time, 12:00-12:50 or 2:00-2:50 p.m. depending on your section, of at least two well-developed paragraphs (a well-developed paragraph is about 8-10 sentences). In your comment, please answer the first four questions and the last question in the blue box on p. 23 (in our textbook) about this funny essay (click on the link to access the essay):
Link: "How to Say Nothing in 500 Words"
After you submit your comment, please submit a reply of one well-developed paragraph to at least one of the other students' comments. Please reply thoughtfully to the selected comment (rather than just stating that it is a good comment).
Here is how to submit your comment and reply:
- Click on the “sign in” link in the top right corner of this page. Then, type in your ASU email and password (or your gmail address and password would work). Submit your comment and reply by clicking on the comment link at the bottom of this post and on the reply link under the comment to which you would like to respond.
- As I mentioned in class, you should compose your comment and reply in a Word document first, and copy and paste them into the comment box and reply box, respectively. You will be able, by using this method, to avoid having to rewrite your comment and reply if any problems occur when you try to submit them.
Reminder: Please read pp. 65-79 and pp. 211-231 in our textbook before class on Monday, September 10.
Have a great weekend,
Dr. K